1. Kim Kardashian loves to sprinkle sea salt on her fruit.

2. Chrissy Teigen dipped her Cheetos in milk, treating them like cereal.

3. Jennifer Aniston's unique sweet-and-savory creation– Nachos with Chocolate.

4. Angelina Jolie has an acquired taste for insects, particularly crickets.

5. Ed Sheeran has an odd food craving: banana and ketchup sandwiches.

6. Selena Gomez has a well-documented love for pickles with Popcorn.

7. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson – Peanut Butter and Jelly Omelettes.

8. Katy Perry loves topping her pizza with a combination of chicken and pineapple.

9. Oprah Winfrey loves starting her day with food pairing: chai tea and avocado.

10. Actor Robert Pattinson enjoys his cereal: in a sandwich with cheese.

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