The defamation lawsuit between the Johnny Depp and his ex wife Amber Heard has started from 11 April 2022 . And has completed about six weeks of trials at Circuit Court of Fairfax County in Virginia.

Johnny Depp has sued his ex wife Amber Heard with $ 50 Million, for her op-ed which she wrote for The Washington post during 2018. In her post she represented herself as the “Survivor of Domestic Abuse”. Although she did not mentioned Johnny Depp’s name anywhere in the post.
Johnny Depp has claimed that Amber Heard’s 2018 Washington post has defamed him, as she represented him as the “wife beater”.

Later Amber Heard Counter sued Johnny Depp claiming that Johnny Depp’s legal team while calling her claims as ” Domestic abuse Hoax”.
After this six weeks of continuous trial period , during which the partied have bring their evidences and Witness on the stand. Both the sides tried to accused each other throughout the trials for the sexual and physical violence.

The Jury Deliberation started on Friday May 27, after the closing argument was given from the attorney of both the sides on the same day. The jury dismissed the court on May 27 for the jury deliberation for three days long weekend, Monday Being the Memorial day holiday.
The court opened on Tuesday May 31 , and then Jury deliberation went on for around seven hours on the same day but they did not reach up to a verdict on Tuesday as well. On Wednesday Jury has given their verdict on June 1.
The verdict given by the jury member was in the favour of Johnny Depp , jury Find Amber Heard guilty in the defamation court.

Jury awarded Johnny Depp with $15 Million in the lawsuit ,this amount will be paid by Amber Heard to Johnny Depp. Jury member Found Johnny Depp guilty for the countersued which was done by Amber Heard but out of three allegation.
Amber Heard’s attorney was able to prove only one allegation on Johnny Depp and Jury has awarded Amber Heard $2 Million, this damaging amount will be given by Johnny Depp to Amber Heard.
Johnny Depp after the verdict came up, Celebrated his victory and shared his feeling to his fans on his social media account.