Johnny Depp’s Lawyer Camille Vasquez has become the internet sensation due to her cross examining video with Amber Heard went viral. As the defamation trial was started from April 2022 and reached its end on June 1, 2022.
During this six weeks of multi-million dollar lawsuit Johnny Depp’s attorney played very important role throughout his legal battle.

Recently Camille Vasquez’s legal firm Brown Rudnick confirmed through a Twitter post that Camille Vasquez got promoted in the firm. She has been now elevated to the rank of partners.
In the Twitter post the law firm Brown Rudnick said, We are pleased to announce that Camille Vasquez is now promoted to Partner. She was a key member of the litigation team that won a jury verdict last week for actor Johnny Depp against his ex wife Amber Heard.

The firm also said that the promotion was due till the end of our fiscal year. But Camille Vasquez has proved the whole world that she is ready to jump for the next level. Camille Vasquez’s fearless cross examination of Amber Heard was appreciated a lot from the fans of Johnny Depp.
After this Tweet Fans of Johnny Depp have thanked and congratulated the firm and Camille Vasquez for the support and hard work to win the lawsuit against Amber Heard.
“Congratulations Camille!” commented a user.

When on the court room Camille Vasquez grilled Amber Heard many times during Heard’s Testimony on very accurate points , like she asked Heard if she paid the $7 Million of the divorce settlement ,
Camille Vasquez also asked Heard that If she took help of his ex boyfriend Elon Musk while paying her donation amount to a charitable trust.

Camille Vasquez has put Amber Heard in trouble many a times during her testimony. Camille Vasquez’s Closing argument before the jury members was also got a lot of appreciation all over the internet From the fans of Johnny Depp.